
Beginners Guide To Horseback Riding Apparel

When starting out riding, there is plenty to be excited about. However, getting a whole new wardrobe just for riding is definitely up near the top of the list. Horseback riding fashion is huge and people get really into showing their sense of style when...

Magnetism – Healing through energies

More and more known in the "human" world, the magnetizer is extremely little solicited by riders and professionals for their horses. However, this little-known discipline can detect and help with many pathologies.

Horse targeted in the United States

Horses in the Apache-Sitgreaves National Forest land in Arizona are prey to deadly attacks, the first of which date back to 2018. Associations and government bodies are mobilizing to protect these equines.

The horse, a real fountain of youth?

Many star riders, like the Queen of England, ride horses at an advanced age. In clubs too, some seniors are taking the plunge into the equestrian adventure. But what are the questions to ask before starting?

The baby riders

Horseback riding is a practice that can be started at a very young age. As a physical activity, it helps the physical and mental development of the child. The riders of these awakening sessions are called baby riders.

6 Most Famous Horses In History

If you love horses, you probably love watching movies about horses and are probably wondering who these famous horses are outside of the movies. Some horses are so famous they are household names.
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